Radon Abatement System Delafield

Delafield Radon Abatement Installation
Here’s a perfect example of the kind of work we do when we install a radon mitigation system. The bulbous white thing you see here is the housing for the exhaust fan. As you can see, we positioned where the PVC exhaust piping exits the house so it is close to an electrical box on the side of the house. This eliminates the need to run wiring around the house.
Although you can’t see it, the home’s air conditioning unit is also near the PVC housing. Whenever possible, we like to route the exhaust tubing for a mitigation system near the AC unit. It’s better to have two home systems units like this clustered together, where they can more easily be disguised by landscaping, than to have them in two different areas of the house, each requiring some landscaping or other efforts to minimize their presence.
Lifetime Radon Solutions installs radon mitigation systems throughout Lake Country and the greater Milwaukee area. Homes in the Waukesha County area, in particular, tend to have higher than average radon levels. In fact, this region has one of the highest average radon levels of anyplace in the state.
You can’t see or smell radon, but it’s in virtually every Wisconsin home. If you don’t know how much radon you’re living with, it’s time to find out. We can have your home tested and get the results back to you in just 2 days. If the results how radon levels above the 4 pCi/L level, we’ll explain how we can install a mitigation system to bring them down to safer levels.